Minnesota Trip

Hello all, 

I am finally getting around to sharing some pics from the trip to Minnesota I mentioned in the last post.

The first full day there, Monday August 8th, was spent hanging out with friends! Driving around to antique shops in nearby small towns and a stop at a winery were part of the day.

Carrie and Jenny

For dinner we joined Jake and headed over to Steves Pizza. Excellent!

August 9th, Day two was a trip to the Mall of America

We spent the whole day there shopping. It was sooooo large. Lunch was at the food court.

The Lego store had awesome builds.

This moose picture was amazing. It was about 5 feet tall and as you can see in the second picture below it was constructed from the smallest lego square.

August 10th, Day Three

The Spam Museum

Since this post is so photo heavy I will stop here and share the rest later. As there are a lot more photos coming.

Thanks for stopping by.



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