Shabby Vintage Steampunk Frame

Does everyone love Steampunk as much as I do? Let me know what your thoughts on Steampunk are. I will be having more frames to show you in the future. There are several in various stages of construction. 

For this frame I started with one that had the paper already on it. I had put the black paper on with the intention of making a halloween frame but I set a stack of books on it to make sure the paper dried flat but the bottom phone book stuck to the paper and it ripped on the right side so I never finished the project. 

For the Steampunk frame I played up the torn area and added cogs it rather looks as if the paper has been torn back to reveal the inner workings of some hidden device. I wanted to dress it up a bit to complement the feminine paper  so I added the lace and ribbon on the left and roses on the right. The clock face gives just the right bit of clean crisp contrast to set the roses off.  While keys and gears tied on to linen thread and attached with a vintage safety pin adds a finishing touch to the ribbon.

I am entering my frame in a challenge!!!! 

Crafty Cardmakers and More!  has chosen the theme 

ANYTHING BUT A CARD, and I do believe this qualifies. 

Stop by there to see all the other wonderful entries. 


  1. What a gorgeous frame - for an equally gorgeous photo. I love the addition of the ribbon and roses! And yes - it absolutely fits our theme! Thank you for joining us at CCM&M. Cxxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am glad you enjoyed the frame. The photo is actually my mother ready for her high school prom.

  2. What a great project - love all the texture you have added! Thank you for sharing it with us at Crafty Cardmakers & more...



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