So I watched the new show Steampunk'd and like most of these types of shows (Design Star/Face Off etc) the first episode has a major beginners learning curve. You are just getting to know the contestants and seeing a taste of what they can do and already are rooting for some and voting off others. I always feel bad for the person voted off first. I think the first episode should just give us an introduction into the people and their talents and not be an elimination. I know with me sometimes it takes a moment to find my voice and say here is what I can do. But on these types of shows you have to hit the floor running with no time to stop or second guess.
Sorry I am ranting. I did like the show and most of the contestants. And as I said above the first episode is a learning curve and I think that the rooms could have been much better if everyone had a chance to really hit their stride. And as for the person eliminated this evening I feel that he was given a project that was not suited to his abilities, granted everyone needs to pull their weight but if someone says hey this is not my strong suit could you help then as a team they should have got together and said what can we do to make this work.
Again sorry ranting.
I don't think either of the teams did a proper Rube Goldburg machine.
I was totally expecting something like this.
Or even this but steamed up
So back to the kitchens - the color schemes of both of them didn't strike me as what I would want in my steampunk house. Granted I like green but they did not tone it down enough and adding the red and purple satin fabric to the walls just gave it a circus feel. ON a positive note for this kitchen I loved the wood work details. If you added them with a rich wood finish to the appliances of the black and grey kitchen and swapped out the red and purple fabric for pressed tin panels; That would have made for a beautiful kitchen.
For more about the series you can go to Steampunk'd on the game show network or the Facebook page
The clips of upcoming shows do look very cool, so hopefully we will get to see lots of Steamy Goodness in future episodes.
Thanks for stopping by
Full Steam Ahead
~Huggs ~
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