Big River Steampunk Festival

I got to spend Sunday and Monday at the Big River Steampunk Festival and I had a wonderful time. I went by myself as everyone else had something already planned or just wasn't into Steampunk. What is wrong with those people? lol ; )

But I did have a good time once I warmed up to the event, and I am not being punny even though the weather was quite hot. I have seen lots of people on the Big River facebook page complaining about the heat. Yes it was hot did it ruin my good time? NO! I have experienced equally hot weather in May at the Ren Faire. I have also experienced  torrential downpours and I think in all a hot summer day is far better.

Besides I had a good excuse to wear my Pith Helmet. Yeah! I pretty much went as myself both days, as in I wore what I tend to where everyday. I just added the Pith Helmet on Monday. And I got to pick up a lovely parasol from Artifixer. I had seen a lady with one earlier and thought what a lovely shape and later while roaming the vendor tents I spotted it and knew it had to be mine. 

Perfect for keeping the sun off. And as Amelia Peabody says ...

"For all-round utility, nothing beats a good stout parasol. It serves as a sunshade, a walking stick, and if necessary a weapon. Persons bent on mischief do not expect to be struck by a lady with a parasol."
Amelia Peabody Emerson, Guardian of the Horizon by Elizabeth Peters

But I ramble..... time for the pictures.

Clearly Guilty on the Main Street Stage

Judges for the Costume Contest
I was a bit far back so only got a few pictures.

Professor Jefferson Parker
and his Pennyfarthing

Nerf Duelling on Main Street

The Pennyfarthing in action

 The Midway

Performer on the Midway Stage

The winner of Saturdays Costume Contest

Historic Hannibal

Hot Air Balloon Rides

Steampunk Gentleman ExtraOrinare 

The Audience 

Check out (lol library pun) these awesome book page wings.
You know I love repurposing old books!!!! I think I found this years halloween costume. Mind if I case these girls?

Steampunk R2D2

Queen Victoria

Wonderful Props

Creative Lady Scientist (builder of the above device) and Doc Phineas

Photos from Monday's Costume Contest
The contests were hosted by Bear and Bean a great comic duo.  

This lovely lady was the winner of Monday's Costume Contest.

I decided since I was in Hannibal I would take in some of the history. I attended the show "Mark Twain Himself" performed by Richard Garey at the Planters Barn Theater. This show is local so you can catch it when ever you visit Hannibal. I had some wonderful chocolate cake and Mango Tea while I watched the show.

I also decided to take a trolly tour.

Couldn't resist just seemed so Steampunk.

 Not the best picture but here I am in my Pith Helmet.

The River boat and a few more pictures of Main Street. All of the shops were wonderful and the people of Hannibal were so welcoming. Thank you All!

I will post links to the performers and merchants soon or you can head over to the Big River Steampunk Festival site and check out the lists there. 

Thanks for stopping by
Full Steam Ahead



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