Going Green - Game Case Stationary Set

The wording for the post may seem a bit odd, but these are the exact instructions that I gave my ladies at the craft program that is why they are precise. When you create your own you don't have to lay your stamps our the way I did that was for the convenience of having a number of people using the same stamps and ink.


Game case
TV dinner box
Designer paper
Assorted envelopes
White card stock
White paper
Colored paper
Small Doily
Assorted stamps and ink

 Prep the case

Cut out the raised portion on the back of the game case so that you have removed all of the area that used to secure the game in place. I found using and xacto knife worked best. For our program this has already been done.


Cut a piece of TV dinner box to 5” x 7 ¼” to cover the hole left in the case after you have cut out all of the raised area.  Some of the cases have ridges on the left side. we will be using a piece of white cardstock the same size to cover this area. Secure these in place with double stick tape.

We are using designer paper to decorate the inside of the case. A strip 1” x 7 ¼” will be attached to the piece of white card stock about a half inch in from the middle of the case. Half of a purple envelope will be used to hold the cards. This will be attached to the bottom of the cardboard covering the back of the case. There are two types of cases. If your case has the closure that protrudes in I have cut the notches in the cardboard to fit. Your envelope will also have to be cut to fit. I did this by just cutting an eighth of an inch off of the left side. So my pocket is now open on top and on the left. Use double stick tape and secure it so the flap side is down. With the cases that don’t have the protrusion you can just attach the envelope in place without cutting. Use double stick tape to attach the ½” strip of designer paper to the purple envelope about ½” down.

The front cover of the case is a bright blue sheet of paper cut 10 ¾” x 7 ¼”   
Slip this inside plastic on the outside of the case and close the case. When you then open the case and remove the blue paper you will see ridges left by the spine. Use these as a guide for the placement of your decorative elements on the front. Attach your doily centered top and bottom about ¼” from the right of the paper. Attach the 2” x 7¼” designer paper strip about ½” from the spine marks and overlapping the doily.


We will be stamping the decorative element for the front of the case and the front cover of the note book at the same time. The Stamps are set up in the order of use.
First stamp the large butterfly in pink at an angle towards the top of the circle. Stamp the same butterfly in pink at an angle in the lower center of the card stock for your note pad cover about an inch and a half from the bottom.
Next stamp the small butterfly in green on the bottom right of the circle. And on the bottom right of the note pad cover.
Stamp purple dots around the butterflies.
You will now stamp (The best things in life aren’t things) in black on the circle for the front of the case. And the (Just a note) in black on the note pad cover as shown.

The other side of the table is set up for stamping the cards. Again the stamp is set up at its designated ink pad please leave them in their locations. Use a scrap of white card stock and stamp (Just for You) in pink, move to the next spot and stamp (Thinking of You) in green and finally (Happy Birthday) in purple.
There is a coordinating punch that goes with the (Just for you) and (Happy Birthday) stamps. Stamp first then line the stamped image in the punch, punch these two out and then use the circle punch to punch out the (Thinking of You).
The stamping is now done.

Embossing and Assembly    

You will have three pieces of white cardstock 4” x 5 ¼”, these will be embossed to give the cards a decorative front. A variety of embossing folders will be provided you can use the ones shown or any of the others available. 

Fold the card base in half so that the card measures 5 ½” x 4 ¼”.  To assemble the cards use double stick tape to attach the embossed front to the card base.  
Now double stick tape the decorative paper strip the card fronts as shown. The blue envelope piece and the designer paper will go across the card horizontally and the green envelope strip will be cut with a flagged tail and attached vertically under the (Happy Birthday) stamped image. Attach the pink (Just for You) stamped image to the blue strip. Layer the (Thinking of You) onto the blue scalloped circle and attach it to the designer paper so that it is half on the paper half on the white front. The cards are now ready.

The last thing to assemble is the note pad. Stack the paper sheets on top of the TV dinner cardboard, lay the stamped front on top of the stack lining up the bottom of all the items. Fold the top of the stamped front and staple the stack together. Use the designer paper measuring  2” x 4 ¼” to cover the staples. Fold it in half and double stick in place.


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