Travelers Sketch: March

Marina, tossed and turned. She slept little and seemed to hear every noise in the hotel. When footsteps stopped outside her door she sat bolt upright. After what seemed an eternity the steps moved on down the hall. Carefully she crept out of bed to the door and listened until she could hear them no more. She slowly opened the door and peered down the hall, it was empty. As she began to shut it she heard a rustle and noticed a paper on the floor. It was worn and faded but the writing was legible and was in Jonathan's hand.

      It said

Your fearful form is the work of the deathless gods. To spare the flat and fertile lands they placed you in your depression. A rocky island from which they banished the sand. They placed you as a neighbor to the pyramids...Who vigilantly watches the blessed Osiris...                                       -Inscription from the second century A.D




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