Is that really communicating?
Wow! It has been a bit since I have been on here. Sorry for the long absence.
My thoughts today have been flying through my head and I just needed an outlet. So I am turning here to all of you as my sounding board. I feel that I have lost touch with so many people. Some I have lost to death but others I have lost to lack of connection. In both cases there is so much that I wish I had said, that I wish I had asked and I don't want to let that happen any longer.
I posted a quick email to my aunt the other day as I had not heard from her in awhile. I sent out a Christmas card but had not received one, so was worrying that she too was lost to me. But I did get a reply to the email and that was heart warming.
I will email her back but I was also thinking that I would send an actually letter to her. To start up an old fashioned pen pal conversation. We live in an age of connectivity, you can see what everyone is doing on all the social media out there but are we really more connected.
Even in texting, someone might text me
"Sup" and I will reply "not much, sup with u" and they will say "not much"
Is that really communicating? I had a friend who passed in 2014 and she was a talker. I have a hard time with conversations. I always feel like I am intruding. She, she could talk for hours. I was a good listener so it worked out well. The whole point is she communicated, she opened up and just let everything pour out. She even did this on her web pages. It wasn't just a quick post "Hey I'm here, see ya!" It was a whole conversation. And she was happy when people would reply the same way.
Now it seems like a person will post a picture on line and all the friends will give it a like or maybe even a line of "that looks so fun!" or "you look so cute!" and think they have made a connection. I can't help but wonder though if the person who posted the picture and the person who gave the like are each sitting alone in their living room sad and alone because there is no one to talk to.
So I think I am channeling Celia's gift for gab. Or rather I am trying to. : )
The point is that I am going to make it my goal, mission, resolution, whatever you want to call it; to get back in touch with the people in my life those that have just been getting the likes. I want to set about writing, a real letter, to those that I have lost touch with. Just maybe they will write me back.
Thanks for listening.
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