Going Green ~ Fall Felt

When the leaves on the trees start to change and a touch of fall is in the air I have the urge to felt. 

When it was time for Octobers Going Green I settled on making a sunflower table mat and pin out of felted wool skirts and pants. 

Sunflowers feel like fall with their lovely golden petals and nutty seeds they have both the beauty and bounty of fall.

For the table mat I had most everything prepped except for the small circles that surround the center.  The ladies were given a pattern to cut these out. And then they just had to decide on the placement of their petals and assemble.

They had the option of assembling with the bright colored petals on top and the muted tones on the bottom or with the opposite with the bright on the bottom and the muted on top.

For my finished sample I used the muted on top.

You are probably wondering why not have all of the petals the same color. And I think an all gold one would be lovely. Actually one made with petals of anyone of the colors would be nice. If I was making it for myself or just a couple for a craft fair I could do that, but getting enough of the same wool for 20 projects is difficult. Depending on the size of the skirt or pants I could get 20 to 40 petals so had to come up with eight complementary items to get all of the petals from.

And I do kind of like all of the fall colors in one flower.

For the pin I was able to find a nice size piece of fabric to get the petals from. So everyone had the same color and all the petals were the same. Each lady had a kit for the pin as well and they got patterns to cut all of the pieces out themselves.

Here is a photo tutorial. I free handed the petal pattern. The petals are about 1.5" long and 1/2" wide at the base. I also free handed the center for my sample and then traced around it to create the pattern.

Everything was assembled with hot glue. Because of the limited time (1 and a half hours) we just don't have time to sew. And most of my Ladies just prefer the ease of hot glue.

I hope you enjoyed these projects and will try them yourselves. I would love to see what you create. Leave a comment below and I will head to your place to check it out.

Now I just want to leave you with a picture of my little helper.

Tony was so enjoying the cozy wool.

I know you are probably wondering why the October project being posted so late in November. First the event is always the last Tuesday of the month. And then I was caught up in creating items for craft fairs and and helping Carrie to stage her house.

My coworker at the library and fellow craft fair enthusiast is moving to Minnesota. I have a lovely banner that I made for her to post soon. 

Sorry about the delay and general blog tardiness.

Thanks for stopping by
See ya soon



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