Morning Coffee ~ Updates!
Hello All,
It has been some time since my last post. And I actually did get the house bought and we are now in the process of moving in. Saturday saw us moving all the big stuff. We rented a U-haul and moved all the furniture and a ton of totes.
We still have quite a bit of stuff at the old house. So I will be over there packing up what is left this weekend.
Then of course there is the deep cleaning of all the areas that haven't seen the light of day in years. Under the rugs that were under the totes that were under the beds. That sort of thing.
Slowly we are getting the totes unpacked or put into long term storage if the items are not for use, like baby clothes and toys that belonged to my now grown daughter.
In other words sentimental stuff that I don't need to access everyday but still don't want to part with.
After this month I can then settle down to crafting. I have so many plans and just no time or no energy to get anything done.
I have plotted out 5 craft fairs for this fall and need to get my applications in. I can't believe that August is half over and the craft fairs start in two months.
I will keep you informed more on what I am crafting when I get settled in.
Thanks for stopping by
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