January Craft Hour ~ Creative Cards
I like to start the year off with a card making program. This gives people a opportunity to make cards for upcoming events for the new year.
Tuesday, January 28, 6:30 p.m.
Craft Hour - Creative Cards
Make, craft and create. This month’s focus, creating cards with a decorative element made from a book page. Adults. Registration required
As you can see from the blurb and photos each of the cards has a book page element. Some small as in the first cards shown or some larger as in these that have the card front created form the page.
As you can see a wide variety of stamps were provided to give everyone the opportunity to create the type of cards that they might need in the coming year. They got to create three of each of the styles as shown but for what occasion they wanted. So if someone wanted 9 birthday cards they could make all the cards birthday cards.
I hope this inspires you.
Thanks for stopping by!
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